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Ikigai Restaurant

Ikigai is a natural impulse; it gives our life meaning, taste and fullness of sensations.
This is the reason we get up in the morning. 

Ikigai is a place of Japanese haute cuisine.
Guests are not led here by hedonism, but by searching for their own - taste, emotions and spirit of Japan.

Open kitchen… sushi master slices salmon. Near you can see the aquarium where lobsters are lurking waiting for your choice.

There are pictures on the wall, the interpretation of the cherry blossoms. Dimmed lights, simple lines, stone, wood and glass prevail in the interior.

Terroir tea is served in glass flasks, and then a yellow lotus flower opens its bud. We give preference too-sake among the alcoholic beverages.

In addition to the main halls, there are three vip-rooms and a summer terrace.
